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Bekh Yu.V. Philosophical Mode of the General Management Theory


Bekh Yu.V. Philosophical Mode of the General Management Theory: Monograph / Yu. V. Bekh; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University / Ed. by V. P. Bekh. – Kyiv : Dragomanov NPU Publishing House, 2015. – 460 p. (Завантажити)

The author has grounded the holistic concept of the mechanism of the world view and ideological support of the general theory of management formation by technical, biological and social systems. The state and the rate of formation of organizational and informational unity of the international community, its integrity depends on its creation. The philosophy of management is considered as a semantic field and the main epistemological tools of the problem research in the discourse of which there is a sharp ideological confrontation of leading paradigms: of technocracy, eco-humanism and humanity, we can trace the formation of holistic world view and the ideology of dynamic equilibrium in management activity and an adequate organizational culture and consciousness of the researcher. The mechanism to solve this problem, which is at a higher level than the specific categories of management, "withdrawn" by generic term "general management theory”, are suggested. Under these conditions, the general theory of management is able to justify at the highest level the general laws and regularities; at the special, branch level – to substantiate special laws and regularities; at the empirical, or applied, level – to ground situational laws and regularities. The author's structure of the general management theory is presented.

The book is intended for researchers, teachers, masters, students engaged in research of management philosophy, management theory, sociology of management, psychology of management, political science, as well as for managerial resources, all those who are interested in the problems of system analysis of management and development of integrative management of technical sphere, society and nature.





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